Candidate with a track record of more than 30 years...

Candidate with a track record of more than 30 years in the promotion of digitization and trailblazing, advocating for the availability of access for all in relevant and affordable ICTs whilst building solutions for the digital world. Technology enthusiast: with a passion to address challenges aimed at bringing the benefits of ICTs to all by promoting gender equality and the active participation of youth and vulnerable groups. Several years of service in senior management positions and demonstrated capacity to foster international co-operation in the use of telecoms/ICTs for development. Actively involved in striving to accelerate digital transformation for harnessing the power of ICTs to bring benefits to all in various domains. Skilled in multiple aspects, including digital transformation, international cooperation, enabling environment, digital inclusion, diversity and Inclusion, and Security and Confidence in the use of ICTs.

Highly accomplished and proactive leader contributing all efforts towards achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by using telecoms/ICTs for global good.


About Alexander NTOKO

A  native of Cameroon, born in Buea,  educated in the United States and with a vast international experience, Alexander Ntoko has always been a champion of digitalization and pushing the boundaries to provide meaningful and affordable connectivity for all. Alexander graduated with a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Sciences from the State University of New York in 1985 and 1987, respectively. From a young age he was passionate about technology and the power of creating solutions today to solve tomorrow’s problems. With more than 30 years of experience, Alexander has worked in the United States as a Software Engineer focusing his research in the areas of Real Time Operating Systems and Computer Networks. As he always believed that knowledge is power and in supporting youth as a key enabler to society, he decided to return to Cameroon as a Lecturer of Computer Science at the National Advanced School of Engineering, Yaounde. Later he was responsible for the United States Department of State Automation Systems in Cameroon till 1990. As Alexander understood


Vision : " Firmly establish ITU-D as the premier platform for ICT4D "

My vision is to firmly establish ITU-D as the premier platform within the UN system for ICT4D matters, engaging partners from governments, the private sector, academia and other stakeholders into action-oriented global initiatives with significant impact towards achieving the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Well-developed and designed initiatives already exist but where emphasis is required on actions to transform them into concrete implementable solutions with tangible outcomes and measurable improvements in the use of ICTs to contribute towards meeting the UN SDGs.

Alexander’s vision is based on three pillars

Pillar 1: Accessibility, inclusion and diversity

ITU commitment to connect the world should go hand in hand with protection, up-skill, empowering and fostering innovation, I look forward to continuing and expanding existing efforts in Child online Protection and addressing the needs of vulnerable communities including persons with disabilities; launching a Youth and Women Empowerment fund with the support of membership to ensure that Youth and Women are up-skilled and empowered and fully engage in technology development and innovation to address the most pressing issues.

Pillar 2: Connecting the unconnected and bridging the wider digital divide

If elected, I intend to bring together my experiences in ICTs (technologies, policies, and strategies), management, forging global partnerships, and my very broad knowledge of ITU’s development mandate to enable active collaboration between developed and developing countries in designing innovative and tailored solutions towards achieving the SDGs. With a continuous focus on connecting the unconnected and bridging the wider digital divide, my strategy is to build on-existing initiatives by embedding new and emerging technologies with the active involvement of all relevant players including youth, persons with disability Women, SMEs/startups, to ensure that no one is left behind.

Pillar 3: Empower entrepreneurial youth globally

Together we can push the boundaries of digitalization by positioning inclusive implementation, and meaningful impact at the heart of all programs and initiatives. The ITU Smart Incubator is a concrete step I took to empower entrepreneurial youth from the most remote areas to build their startups and solutions based on global standards by ITU-T using frontier technologies to contribute towards meeting the SDGs.

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Soutien des candidatures du Cameroun au Conseil de l'UIT et
de M. NTOKO Alexander au Poste de Directeur du BDT - UIT