Head, Corporate Strategy Division (ITU/General Secretariat), Geneva, Switzerland March 2007 – June 2012
Played vital role as Secretary of PP10 Working Group of Plenary (WG-PL) to co-ordinate Secretariat work on the review and adoption of several significant PP Resolutions. Contributed to identifying broad principles relevant to the WCIT-12’s review of the ITRs. Led transformation of ITU Secretary General’s -vision for cybersecurity into tangible global initiative (GCA) through close collaboration with several partners across 150 countries. Maintained integrity, transparency, effective competition by chairing ITU Contracts Committee and directing revision and implementation of the new ITU procurement policy, replacing the 1993 version in 2011.
• Appointed to head ITU Secretariat Group for re-designing the ITU Strategic Plan as well as developing methodology for monitoring to ensure effectiveness.
• In ITU Council sessions from 2007 to 2010, played key role in presenting, and clarifying several of Secretary-Generals’ reports on key activities. Headed Secretariat Group for co-ordinating the work on the ITRs’ content.
Chief, Operations and Planning Department, TSB, ITU, Geneva, Switzerland
June 2012- Present
Manage and collaborate with highly capable international cross-functional teams of high-impact individuals in variety of areas, including information technology, event planning, logistics, and publications, whilst leading activities to improve the Standardisation Sector’s services and operational efficiencies and innovation. Provide great leadership, technical, and logistical coordination for a range of events, including World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly (WTSA) and AI for Good Global Summit, whilst ensuring all hybrid and online-only events run well. Develop the ITU Smart Incubator programme to integrate innovation with standardisation to help entrepreneurs and SMEs bridge the standards gap by directing the development of proof-of-concept apps using cutting-edge technologies like AI, IoT, and Blockchain.
• Received award for innovation at the 6th Geneva Engage Awards in February 2021 on showcasing remarkable efforts and performance.
• Evaluated strategic concerns, opportunities, as well as hazards, and implemented appropriate strategies for Sector’s utilisation of applicable technologies to ensure timely delivery of high-quality services.
• Led coordination and planning to support activities of International Telecommunication Union’s Telecommunication Standardisation Sector (ITU-T), whilst maintaining seamless overall operations.
• As strategic leader, oversee development and deployment of range of new apps, based on AI, IoT, and block chain technologies, to introduce innovation and digital transformation to the standardization sector’s working methods and procedures.
Chief, E-Strategies Division (ITU/BDT)
1)Participated actively in formulation of WSIS outcomes, specifically in stimulating membership understanding of relevance of ICT applications for social and economic development. Spearheaded e-Strategies/ programme to provide benefits to over 120 countries including 45 Least Developed Countries. Delivered direct support to numerous countries in development of national and regional ICT policies and plans based on ICTs for social and economic development
2)Played very active role in WSIS (Summit) by presenting innovative applications on the use of ICTs in domains like trade, agriculture, health etc. which attracted senior officials including heads of States to visit the stand at Palexpo.
3)Encouraged adoption by Membership of a new Programme to expand ITU-D’s mandate to include wide range of e-applications, the Internet, and cybersecurity.
4)Delivered assistance in implementation of a wide range of ICT projects in nations around the globe (e-government, e-health, e-agriculture, e-education, e-legislation, e-commerce, MCTs, Internet, and Cybersecurity).
• Even before formally moving to BDT, assisted developing countries in the acquisition and management of their country code top level domains, led the initiative to introduce Internet in his home country and and later wrote and published (in 1997) a technology policy paper explaining how and why Africa (like other regions) needs to have its own Internet Registry.
• Possesses remarkable expertise in multiple arenas, including information technology, policies and strategies in ICTs, human resources, telecommunication, ICT’s policies, standards, strategies, and procedures.
• As Chief of e-Strategies, exceled at co-ordinating the work of BDT on cybersecurity, digital innovation and services, digital inclusion, telecommunications, as well as network and digital infrastructure as part of the E-strategies/e-applications Programme.
• Instrumental at performing activities to assist over 150 countries with a wide range of topics, such as e-security, e-health, e-agriculture, e-administration, ICT policies, and strategies.
• Published author of studies on e-commerce technology strategies in key
e-business reviews, and active speaker in international panels while being citied in international e-commerce press pieces and scientific and research publications
• In the early years of e-commerce, led the design, development, and implementation of an e-commerce platform which included the automated processing of credit card payments for the purchase and online delivery of digital goods over the Internet. Received award for innovation at the Global Bangemann Challenge in Sweden.
• Acknowledged for delivering remarkable services in ICTs by citations in numerous press areas, including Time Magazine, International Herald Tribune, Middle East Communications, International Security Review, Tribune de Genève, AGEFI, and Suddeutsch Zeitung with articles in several languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, Polish, French, Swiss, Spanish, Bulgarian, and Arabic languages.
• In the BDT, pioneered efforts in the introduction of advanced security technologies (such as public key infrastructure and encryption and biometrics authentication) in developing countries to extend the use of ICTs in areas.
Establishing ITU-D as the premier platform for ICT4D
My vision is to firmly establish the ITU-D as the premier platform within the UN system for ICT4D matters, engaging partners from governments, the private sector, academia and other stakeholders into an action-oriented global initiatives with significant impact towards achieving the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Well-developed and designed initiatives already exist but where emphasis is required on actions to transform them into concrete implementable solutions with tangible outcomes and measurable improvements in the use of ICTs to contribute towards meeting the UN SDGs
Alexander’s plan is divided into the four pillars below:
Pillar 1: Accessibility, inclusion and diversity
ITU commitment to connect the world should go hand in hand with protection, up-skill, empowering and fostering innovation, I look forward to continuing and expanding existing efforts in Child online Protection and addressing the needs of vulnerable communities including persons with disabilities; launching a Youth and Women Empowerment fund with the support of membership to ensure that Youth and Women are up-skilled and empowered and fully engage in technology development and innovation to address the most pressing issues
Pillar 2: Connecting the unconnected and bridging the wider digital divide
If elected, I intend to bring together my experiences in ICTs (technologies, policies, and strategies), management, forging global partnerships, and my very broad knowledge of ITU’s development mandate to enable active collaboration between developed and developing countries in designing innovative and tailored solutions towards achieving the SDGs. With a continuous focus on connecting the unconnected and bridging the wider digital divide, my strategy is to build on-existing initiatives
by embedding new and emerging technologies with the active involvement of all relevant players including youth, persons with disability Women, SMEs/startups, to ensure that no one is left behind.
Pillar 3: Empower entrepreneurial youth globally
Together we can push the boundaries of digitalization by positioning inclusive implementation, and meaningful impact at the heart of all programs and initiatives. The ITU Smart Incubator is a concrete step I took to empower entrepreneurial youth from the most remote areas to build their startups and solutions based on global standards by ITU-T using frontier technologies to contribute towards meeting the SDGsA